The Manasreh family is composed of many sub-families and believed to arrive from the Arabian Peninsula to the city of Bani Na’im, 4.0 miles east of Hebron, Palestine. The city of Bani Na’im is built on an ancient Roman town known as Kufr- Brusha. This name is changed to Kufr Breik during the early arrival of Muslims to Palestine. The town was them named Bani Na’m after Na’im Aldary who met the prophet and became a Muslim. Many members of the Manasreh family migrate to other town in Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and the Arabian Gulf regions. The famous leader Musa Ibn Naseer was born in Bani Na’im. He was responsible for concurring North Africa and sending Tariq Ibn Ziad to open Spain (Andalus). It is believed that several Manasreh families were settled in Algeria as well. The following is a list of towns in Palestine that are (were) inhabited by Manasreh families.