Through history the Arabs and Muslims were fascinated with all kind of developmental knowledge in China ranging from astronomy, philosophy, and science. The messenger of Islam encouraged his followers to seek knowledge even if it is in China. There are two implications to this encouragement. First, a Muslim should seek knowledge and apply it to the benefit of the human race. Second, one should seek knowledge from all four corners of the Earth and even if a trek to China is required, one should take it. Fifteen centuries ago the mode of transportation is through caravans where camels and horses are the only mean to travel from one place to another. China appeared to be the farthest land with respect to the Arabian Peninsula and by taking a treacherous adventure to China, one had to withstand the elements and the dangers associated with this journey. Even then Muslims were asked of them to seek knowledge, which they had accomplished without complaining or whining. Soon after, the Arabs established teaching centers and excelled in every topic and subject known to human race at that time. They translate books; preserved knowledge; advanced science, astronomy, and literatures; and invented new methods in science and math to the point where scholars from all over the known world flocked to them to learn new concepts and advance their knowledge. The subject Chemistry is an Arab invention, Arabic numerals were constructed based on the number of angles and they are currently in use in every language and culture, the logarithm is an Arabic invention. These are a few of the still living examples that were contributed by the Arabs. At that time every body was welcomed. I bet there was 100 % acceptance rate and there were not any rejections. There was not any monopoly on knowledge at that time.

This state of leadership is currently replaced by greed, backward thinking, lack of respect to scholars, national blindness, and lack of strategic plans. The role of this leadership in science and literature however is assumed by the western countries lead by the United State of America where scholars are welcomed from every part of the world. Scholarships and funding are available to those who excelled in their field regardless of their age, race, religion, or color just like what the early Muslims used to preach and advocate. On the other hand, the modern Arab Countries are transformed into a state similar to that of the Medieval Europe.

Recently, I read a news clip about a Palestinian female student (Shaima Samir) who graduated from a high school in Saudi Arabia with an average of 99.76% and ranked number eight in the entire kingdom. Anybody with this type of score would have been selected to receive full scholarships from many preeminent institutions across the globe. This young woman was rejected by a medical school at a University in Jeddah for no reason except she was considered as a foreigner despite the fact that her father lived in Saudi Arabia for over 42 years and perhaps she was born in Jeddah. I think one would accept her rejection much easier if the reason is merely due to being a woman rather than a foreigner, since the culture in this country won the gold medal for oppressing and dominating females to the point where they cannot drive a car or walk alone in a street. Shaima may intimidate male students who do not accept the fact that a female may perform her job better than them and therefore she should not be admitted to the medical School. But to be a reject because of the national origin is something unheard of in this advance age of science and technology. This might be a typical story for many Palestinian scholars who had been downgraded and looked down upon them as unwanted personas by their fellow Arabs. What drive these universities to reject qualified students is a very poignant, shameful, reprehensible, and disgraceful act that will remain engraved on the foreheads of those who invented the rules and regulations.

Where is the spirit of Islam that asked us to seek knowledge and teach children? My guess is that this spirit is killed and buried under the steps of the glamorous castles of those who were blinded by the oil dollars. Rejecting Shaima from attending college is not due to the lack of resources. The reason is much deeper than humiliating a sole person and more significant than rejecting a young woman. The reason behind depriving the Palestinians from the basic human rights by their Arab fellows spurs from the ludicrous idea that if the Palestinians feel comfortable in their host countries, then they might forget their homeland. This absurd premise does not seem to be validated by many Palestinians who live all over the word and earn citizenship in the most advance industrial countries and yet they do not seem to forget this place called Palestine. This reasoning by the Arabs is exploited and subjugated by many Zionist movements and organizations to a full extent. They claimed: since the Palestinians are rejected by their Arab brothers and sisters, there is no reason for the Zionist entity in Palestine to accept them back. Shaima’s case is typical to many Palestinians who are living in the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab rulers used the Palestine cause as an escape-goat to justify their failed domestic agendas. As for Shaima I congratulate you on your high school graduation and on your extraordinary accomplishment; I welcome you to the life of adulthood as a Palestinian in the Arab land; and may I suggest you to seek knowledge in China.

Omar Manasreh
01 September 2008